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Switch between running apps in a hurry
From a Home screen, swipe from right to left on the bottom of the screen on what is sometimes called the gesture bar.
Open the app switcher
To get at the app switcher (or multitasking screen) on your phone, swipe about halfway up the screen and pause for a second. Or try this alternative method, which you may find is even quicker. In one fluid motion, swipe up and then without lifting your finger move left or right as if you were drawing an inverted letter L. Yes this is harder than the old school method of double-tapping the home button to get to the app switcher.
Quit running apps
From the aforementioned app switcher, press down on a card representing a running app for a moment until a circled red dash appears. Swipe up to shut that app down and repeat this action for any other apps that you want to close. This is a departure from other iPhones in which you could swipe up a card to close an app without waiting for a red dash to appear. If you do that now, you'll return to the home screen, but any apps will still be running in the background.
Find the battery percentage
Many iPhone users like to glance at the screen to see how much life the battery has remaining in percentage terms. You can no longer view the battery percentage, at least from the home screen. Instead, you must take the extra step of summoning the Control Center by swiping down from the upper right portion of the screen where the battery percentage indicator is visible. This action is another departure from other iPhones. On those devices, you get to Control Center by swiping up from the bottom of the screen.
Using the X with one hand:
On the iPhone Plus devices with their large-size screens, Apple introduced a “reachability” feature that let users access the upper portion of the screen while using the phone with one hand. On those models, you would lightly double-tap the home button to bring the upper half of the display down towards the bottom. Without such a button on the X, summoning reachability is a bit more challenging. Gently swipe down from the very bottom edge of the screen. You will have to first enable the reachability feature by visiting Settings-->General--> Accessibility. Then tap the Reachability switch to turn it on.
Bring back the home button
Buried inside the accessibility settings of your phone is a feature known as AssistiveTouch, with tools for people who have difficulty touching the screen or who need an adaptive accessory. Such assistive tools aren’t new but on an iPhone without a home button one of the options lets you display a virtual button that can serve as a home button. If you turn the feature on, you can assign different tasks to this button: shortcuts to home, Siri, notifications and other settings. -
In a world where we are relying increasingly on computing, to share our information and store our most precious data, the idea of living without computers might baffle most people.
But if we continue to follow the trend that has been in place since computers were introduced, by 2040 we will not have the capability to power all of the machines around the globe, according to a recent report by the Semiconductor Industry Association.
To prevent this, the industry is focused on finding ways to make computing more energy efficient, but classical computers are limited by the minimum amount of energy it takes them to perform one operation.
This energy limit is named after IBM Research Lab's Rolf Landauer, who in 1961 found that in any computer, each single bit operation must use an absolute minimum amount of energy. Landauer's formula calculated the lowest limit of energy required for a computer operation, and in March this year researchers demonstrated it could be possible to make a chip that operates with this low0 Comments 0 Shares -
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