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Abdurafi Region, Amhara
Medicins Sans Frontiers - Holland
Main Purposes Organizing and ensuring medical consultations to the target population providing treatment to patients within the scope of his/her medical competencies and referring them when appropriate, according to MSF protocols, procedures and the universal hygiene standards in order to guarantee quality and efficiency of the service provided Accountabilities • Ensuring the implementation and standardization of MSF clinical policies, tools, and hygiene protocols in order to minimize clinical risks and to guarantee the quality of patient care management. Promoting and maintaining confidentiality regarding all patient cases and records • Implementing diagnosis, prescription and prevention procedures that fall under the scope of his/her competencies applying medical knowledge, asking appropriate questions to patients and following protocols in force as well as using laboratory services when necessary, in order to ensure a correct implementation of the medical treatments and to refer patients when appropriate. • Participating in the planning and supervision, in close coordination with other supervisors, the HR processes (sizing, staff shifts, recruitment, training, evaluation, development and communication) of the team in order to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required, improve people triage capabilities, their motivation and commitment and their active participation in teaching the targeted population on therapeutic and preventive protocols. • In cases of emergency, carrying out first aid care and treatment according to protocols in order to reduce mortality rates • Recording in the individual patient’s card and registration books, all performed medical activities (drugs prescribed, lab results, vaccination status, epidemiological activity, doses, etc.) keeping data traceability in order to ensure patients treatment continuity. • Participating in data collection and reporting when required • Knowing and implementing Patient Therapeutic Education (PTE), i.e. keeping contact with all patients, providing them information regarding their health state and responding to their questions. Knowing and promoting the proper application of Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Kit and Sexually Gender Based Violence (SGBV) protocol MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities Context MSF project in Abdurafi concentrates its activities on treatment for snakebite patients and uncomplicated and complicated cases of Kala Azar (+HIV/TB) through free diagnosis, treatment/stabilisation or transfer to Gondar and other IPD related emergency conditions. In addition MSF conducts clinical research with the intention to improve the treatment of snake bites and treatment of Kala Azar. With an office in Bahir Dar, MSF has a health surveillance capacity of emergency and outbreaks, advocating for appeals to promote appropriate response in Amhara region. - Medical Coverage 100% - Hardship allowance 4,861 - Relocated status: ETB 4000 (on instalment )
WWW.ETHIOJOBS.NETCLINICAL OFFICER (Abdurafi Region, Amhara)Main Purposes Organizing and ensuring medical consultations to the target population providing treatment to patients within the scope of his/her medical competencies and referring them when appropriate, according to MSF protocols, procedures and the universal hygiene standards in order to guarantePlease log in to like, share and comment! -
Skat Nati - Sira | ስራ (Behind the Scenes & Live Performance) - New Ethiopian Music 2018
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"ሰላም የፊታችን ቅዳሜ በግዮን ሆቴል የሚደረገውን የኮክ ስቱዲዮ ኮንሰርት መግባት ለምትፈልጉ አድናቂና ወዳጆቻችን ይህንን ፎቶና መልእክት ቀድሞ like እና share ለሚያደርጉ 100 ሰዎች የመግቢያ ትኬት እንሽልማለን!!! የመግቢያውን ትኬት አሽናፊዎች ስናፕ ፕላዛ ከሚገኝው ዘሌ ማን ፕሮዳክሽን ከ ማክሰኞ ጀምሮ መቀበል ይችላሉ! Good luck
WWW.AFRICANEWS.COMEthiopia backs A.U. stance on Jerusalem, says no plans to relocate embassy | AfricanewsTrump's move has provoked series of anti-American protests across the Muslim world. Deadly clashes have erupted between Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza.
Ethiopia might have the world’s finest cuisine for vegans (and any foodie).Confession: I chose to travel to Ethiopia because I’ve been in love with Ethiopian cuisine since I first tried it in New York City. I expected to eat well as a vegan, but imagine my delight when I learnt that their Orthodox Christianity beliefs have most locals eating fasting food (aka no animal products) for several parts of the year; the idea is similar to lent, where believers are...
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